Mentorship is a personal developmental relationship in which a more experienced or more knowledgeable person (mentor) guides and advises a less experienced or less knowledgeable person (mentee). Such a relationship can be ongoing or time-specific with mutually identified objectives for learning, dialog, and challenge.
Mentor’s Role
- Provide advice and, when/if the mentee is ready, facilitate connections
- Offer counsel, share experiences, and provide emotional support
- Provide confidentiality and trust
- Respect the mentee’s time and attend all scheduled meetings
- Encourage learning and challenge the mentee to see things in new and creative ways
- Facilitate open exchange of ideas--including feedback and guidance that ensure authentic communications
- Identify with the mentee and then support the development of the mentee’s full potential
- Mutually agree on average monthly time commitment that is necessary and appropriate
Mentee’s Role
- Be fully self-aware and identify areas for personal growth and development that can be shared with mentor
- Clarify career objectives for mentor’s feedback
- Develop and maintain confidentiality and trust
- Demonstrate a commitment to the mentorship process and to the mentor
- Respect the mentor’s time by being fully prepared for each meeting and attend all scheduled meetings
- Demonstrate proactivity by initiating appropriate contact with mentor and prepare for meetings and discussions
- Mutually agree on monthly time commitment to the mentorship process for the successful completion of identified objectives
To maximize the benefits of mentorship, the following guidelines for the mentor will help develop a comprehensive mentorship experience for both parties.
Establish the Relationship: Define mutually desired objectives.
Establish the Timeline, Expectations, and Modes of Communication
Refine Objectives
Check Progress
Assess and Close
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